A jewel of a room

Aug 23, 2023


How holy can a room be, when you see yourself in every bit of it?

One would only yearn to see the good in every reflection.

You multiplied in 1000s of pieces in the ceiling and the walls.

Shining through the delightful dance of soul in light of sparkling glass.


For special orders and available mirrors visit https://sharzadian.com

Sharzadian is the purveyor of artisanal mirrors located in Portugal. The artist accepts commissioned work orders anywhere in Europe.
Born in the ancient land of Aina-kari [mirror art] Iran, she grew up in California and currently lives in Portugal to spread the allure of mirrors in Europe. She designs and creates mirrors to adorn spaces, ceilings, and walls to allure the viewer into never forgetting the reflections as an ongoing conversation piece.




Written by Sharzadian

Sharzadian is the purveyor of artisanal mirrors located in Portugal open to special orders anywhere in Europe. www.sharzadian.com

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